Detroit Shoreway
Cleveland, Ohio, United States, is home to the Detroit-Shoreway community on the city's West Side. From West 85th to West 45th streets, Detroit-Shoreway spans the area between Lake Erie and Interstate 90.
Parks and trails, including the multi-use Red Line Greenway and multiple sandy beaches in lakeshore Edgewater Park, may be found in Detroit-Shoreway, a neighborhood that is situated along a cliff overlooking Lake Erie. Lorain Avenue is known for its antique shops, while Detroit Avenue is surrounded by restaurants and bars. Live performances are often held at the Cleveland Public Theatre.
Gordon Square, a cluster of shops at the intersection of Detroit Avenue and West 65th Street, is the district's commercial nerve center. Gordon Square, named for W.J. Gordon, a "city father," is at the center of efforts to transform Detroit-Shoreway into a cultural and artistic hub for the west side. These efforts include a complete rebuild of the Detroit Avenue streetscape from West 58th to West 73rd streets, including the burial of utilitarian infrastructure, the renovation and re-opening of the Capitol Theatre, a new building for the Near West Theatre, and renovations to the Cleveland Public Theater complex.
The professional theater company Talespinner Children's Theatre performs exclusively for young audiences at Reinberger Auditorium. The Lorain Avenue Streetscape between West 52nd and West 82nd Streets is also scheduled for reconstruction as part of these plans. Studios on 78th Street in Gordon Square are home to oWOW Radio.
Several bus lines stop at Detroit-Shoreway, and the nearby West 65th-Lorain rapid transit station is convenient for those taking the train. Cleveland EcoVillage and the City of Cleveland are working with the Greater Cleveland Regional Transit Authority on plans for transit-oriented development near the station, and the Detroit-Shoreway station is the site of a brownfield redevelopment of the former Eveready Battery Plant into Battery Park. The city is collaborating with the Ohio Department of Transportation to redesign the limited-access West Shoreway (SR-2) as a 35 mph boulevard, providing residents of the previously isolated area with easier access to the lake.
Pride in one's neighborhood and the support of long-term residents, many of whom settled in Detroit Shoreway and raised their families there, helped to foster the resilient spirit that can be seen today in the strong churches that line the street. On West 65th Street, Italian restaurants and flags fly side by side, while on Detroit Avenue, rainbow flags welcome guests.