Shawnee Hills

The real estate in the Shawnee Hills neighborhood is more expensive than 97.7% of the neighborhoods across Ohio and 77.8% nationwide. This means that, on average, homes here sell for $525676.

The average monthly rental price in this suburban neighborhood is higher than 90% of the other areas across our beautiful state. In Shawnee Hills, you'll find rentals that cost $1,705 - which makes them significantly more expensive when compared to those around Ohio as a whole.

The Shawnee Hills neighborhood is the perfect place for those who want a medium-sized home with plenty of room to grow. You will find that there are several preferences when it comes down to choosing between single-family homes or townhomes, including new construction within walking distance from some schools. The real estate here predominantly consists of medium-sized (three or four-bedroom) homes and townhomes, but there are some large single-family houses too.

The Shawnee Hills neighborhood is a great location to reside if you want modern amenities and an established feel without the hassle of older homes that may be less desirable due to their age. Many residents here own their homes, with most having been constructed between 1970-1999 while other newer ones added after 2000 also exist - giving everyone plenty of choices when it comes down to what type or style they prefer.

The Shawnee Hills community features top public schools and low crime rates that will keep you feeling safe as well. And because it has such great living conditions for families (and single adults), this 'hood offers plenty to socialize about or develop your strong sense of community among other people who share similar interests like sports teams - especially if they're from around here too.

The Shawnee Hills community is among the best communities for families in Powell, OH. In fact, this suburban area has a greater percentage of residents who are family-oriented than 99% of other communities across our beautiful state. Not only do you have plenty of opportunities to interact with others here on your block or down at the park, but it's also close by so that even more people can get involved when needed - making us all feel like we belong together.

The suburban neighborhood of Shawnee Hills is a perfect place to live if you are married with or without children. This single area has an incredibly higher concentration of married couples than 95% of American neighborhoods, which makes it the norm in this part of town.

Wyandotte Woods / Wedgewood Hills
Olivia's Kitchens of Powell