Wyandotte Woods / Wedgewood Hills

The beautiful Wyandotte Woods / Wedgewood Hills neighborhood is a highly sought-after area in Ohio, with the median price of $649,823 being more expensive than 99.2 percent of neighborhoods across Ohio and 85.2% nationwide.

Renters in the Wyandotte Woods / Wedgewood Hills community have to pay an average rental price of $1,993 - higher than 96.4% of neighborhoods across Ohio.

The Wyandotte Woods / Wedgewood Hills neighborhood is a great community to reside in if you're looking for single-family homes with plenty of space. The real estate here predominantly consists of medium-sized properties, which can be either houses or apartments - there's something available in every price range.

The great Wyandotte Woods / Wedgewood Hills neighborhood is an ideal place to call home if you're considering something that has both the convenience of being close by and also offers plenty in terms of space and privacy.

The picturesque Wyandotte Woods / Wedgewood Hills neighborhood is a diverse one, with many different types and ages of homes. There's no shortage in this suburban area. Most residential real estate here tends to be occupied by owner occupants or renters who have grown accustomed over time not just to how much space they get but also to what it has available for them at any given moment - namely, large open lots perfect as backyard gardens where you can raise your family without ever feeling too far away from nature when necessary.

Many of this neighborhood's homes have recently been built or updated near Powell to reflect modern styles, while others date back decades ago when they were first established on their land grants from royally designated properties that date back centuries earlier- Wyandotte Woods/ Wedgewood Hills is an excellent community.

In the Wyandotte Woods / Wedgewood Hills neighborhood, you'll find a majority of adults that are wealthy and educated executives. They own stately homes with high real estate appreciation rates, which make them comfortable in this area if they want to maintain a similar company as others in Ohio.

The Wyandotte Woods / Wedgewood Hills community is among the wealthiest in America. It's even richer than 96% of other neighborhoods across this great country. Does that ring some bells for you? This suburban area thrives during tough economic times, as residents here suffer less and recover more quickly from any given disruption - making them stand out among members everywhere else.

68% of the people in this neighborhood are married - higher than in 96.3% of the neighborhoods across America - which suggests they know how to make a successful marriage. The priests and therapists would like you to believe that there is some special recipe for success, but it looks as though those who live here have found out already.

Olivia's Kitchens of Powell